Saturday, August 28, 2010

Reading Through Life's Read-A-Thon Mini Challenge

Reading Through Life has a fun challenge going on for the From Dusk Til Dawn Read-A-Thon. She asked us to...

"Write a post describing your ideal comfort food meal to break your hypothetical 15 hour fast one of the nights of this week’s read-a-thon. Pictures (yours or from the internet) get you bonus points! Forget about calories, healthiness, or normal portion sizes – anything goes when you’re that hungry."

Tofu is finally coming to Vampires and Tofu! My favorite meal is actually one I make at home, it's a veggie version of fish tacos and it is delicious! (I promise =) Even my meat loving boyfriend loves this one. Here's a link to the recipe if you're interested in trying it...Baha Tofu Tacos
I make a couple of changes...I don't use cilantro in the slaw, I bake the tofu instead of deep frying it, and I throw a little bottled green taco sauce on the finished product.

Now, since we're talking a whole meal here, Mexican rice is a must on the side (I make mine with El Pato tomato sauce cause it's nice and spicy) along with homemade guacamole.

The perfect finishing touch? An ice cold margarita!


Mrs. DeRaps said...

Yum. I want this right now!

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

That margarita is looking pretty yummy! I LOVE margaritas!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I'm now following you back. =O)

Carina said...

That sounds really tasty, even though I don't eat tofu. My roommate does, so I'll be passing the recipe along!

Hannah Mariska said...

despite being veggie, i've never cooked with tofu...i dont know why it seems so scary. but i'll look this recipe up...sounds yum!