First of all, my apologies for this getting up so late, I've been completely overwhelmed the past couple of weeks and seems like I have fallen behind on EVERYTHING. I didn't read nearly as much as I wanted to and completely missed the Twitter party, but I DID manage to get through 150 pages of Feed by Mira Grant and am absolutely loving it so far. Could end up being my favorite zombie book ever.
And now for the winners...
Winner of my mini challenge is
Lauren from 365 Days Of Reading!
"The scariest book I own is probably Tales and Poems of Poe, an anthology of Edgar Allan Poe's best works (I'm a bit of a wimp, so this is the scariest book I have!).
The opening sentence is this
(From the story The Purloined Letter): At Paris, just after dark one gusty evening in the autumn of 18--, I was enjoying the two-fold luxury of meditation and a meerschaum, in company with my friend, C. Aguste Dupin, in his little black library, or book-closet, au troisieme, No. 33 Rue Dunot, Faubourg St. Germain."
Lauren from 365 Days Of Reading!
I asked entrants to grab the scariest book they own and leave the opening sentence from it in the comments, Lauren's answer was....
"The scariest book I own is probably Tales and Poems of Poe, an anthology of Edgar Allan Poe's best works (I'm a bit of a wimp, so this is the scariest book I have!).
The opening sentence is this
(From the story The Purloined Letter): At Paris, just after dark one gusty evening in the autumn of 18--, I was enjoying the two-fold luxury of meditation and a meerschaum, in company with my friend, C. Aguste Dupin, in his little black library, or book-closet, au troisieme, No. 33 Rue Dunot, Faubourg St. Germain."
And the winner of the Trick r Treat DVD is...
I asked you all to leave a comment with your favorite Halloween tradition and his answer was....
"Halloween has always been one of my favorites. Some of my favorite Halloween Traditions come from when I was younger. As kids (tweens) we would go, after Trick-r-Treating of course, to the cemetery and scare ourselves with scary stories. Right across the cemetery was this old Haunted looking house on a hill. So after the stories we would trick ourselves into believing that we would see scary stuff (blood on the walls, some ghostly image walking in the yard, etc.) When we were done scaring ourselves (and the girls that were with us) we would head back to one of our houses and eat Pumpkin shaped sugar cookies (you know the orange ones) and drink Apple Cider while watching the Fat Albert Halloween Special (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Klzt8CgtRlw) and It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. The weather in WA in October is perfect Fall/Halloween type of weather, which just added to the awesomeness of it all.. Great memories, of some great traditions. =)"
I asked you all to leave a comment with your favorite Halloween tradition and his answer was....
"Halloween has always been one of my favorites. Some of my favorite Halloween Traditions come from when I was younger. As kids (tweens) we would go, after Trick-r-Treating of course, to the cemetery and scare ourselves with scary stories. Right across the cemetery was this old Haunted looking house on a hill. So after the stories we would trick ourselves into believing that we would see scary stuff (blood on the walls, some ghostly image walking in the yard, etc.) When we were done scaring ourselves (and the girls that were with us) we would head back to one of our houses and eat Pumpkin shaped sugar cookies (you know the orange ones) and drink Apple Cider while watching the Fat Albert Halloween Special (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Klzt8CgtRlw) and It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. The weather in WA in October is perfect Fall/Halloween type of weather, which just added to the awesomeness of it all.. Great memories, of some great traditions. =)"
I really enjoyed reading everyone's answers to the questions and added a few new books to my wishlist =) Big thanks to everyone who entered and congrats to the winners!!
Congrats! Awesome pic!
I want those cookies.
I'm glad to see that a line from Poe won for Lauren. He's one of my favorite authors :)
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